This page will provide a step by step guide on getting what you want to fit and printed on to a page.
The easiest way to fit all the data on to one page is to make sure when making tables that your page is set to landscape.
If you want to know what your printing is set to first go to –

1) File (right hand Corner) then Print Preview.
2) Once you are on the print preview page click setup
3) Once you are on Page setup you should see portrait and landscape make sure that you click on to the landscape radio button.
If this doesn’t the problem try making the fonts smaller, highlight your entire table then click on the drop down box with the numbers next to it then choose a smaller font size.
Other communcation routes which could use is to project his laptop on to a wall by usinga projector.
The link above is an example of another knowledge bases that would help to solve this problem.
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