Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Log Number 7

Question 1.

Cannot get Excel to load the spreadsheet developed at home over the weekend.

If your trying to open an excel document made with a later version then the one at work it will not open due to compatibility issues.

Question 2.

Cannot log into system

Make sure that you havent left the caps lock on, if that doesnt solve the issue try contacting the adminstrators as they should be able to reset your password.

Question 3.

Cannot make orders print off.

Make sure that the printer is turned on and plugged in to your network, double check that you are printing to the right printer , if that doesnt solve the issue check the configurations under the printer settings you may need the approval from the adminstators before doing this.

Question 4.

Cannot access orders list from new machine installed last week, cannot even find database package.

The new machine may not be correctly plugged in to the network check the ethernet cable going from the computer to the port, contact the administators if this does not solve the issue

Question 5.

Same problem as yesterday.

Because your new employee your login details may not be put in to the database yet therefore contact the department which is in charge of this and they should be able to sort our any of your queries.

Questions 6.

Mouse keeps jumping then screen locks out, trying to print out college assignment finished at home last night, screen displays message ‘Gotcha’.

You may be thinking that your computer has been infected with a harmful virus however there are only few virus which can actually cause this activity however just incase i recommend that you download a spyware scanner and also do a registry clean as a faulty registry could cause this also.

If that doesnt work try inspecting your mouse because sometimes laser mouse face eractic movements when resting on non smooth service.

Question 7.

Keep getting message ‘Normal.dot cannot be saved’ when using the templates on the wordprocessor.

Normal.dot is another word for a blank word page if your getting that error message with a template there may be something wrong with the registry.

I found this website with step by step guide on how to fix this issue i suggest you read it.


Question 8.

Got new piece of design software that needs installing on machine and making compatible with printer.

Design software queries can be found on their website , however new software's are designed to be more efficient then the previous version therefore it should be simple to install and printer compatibility shouldn't be an issue.

Question 9.

Went to check orders list and screen went ‘pop’ with a nasty smell.

To minimise the risk of injuring your self, I suggest that you immediately unplug the monitor because something could be burning within the monitor or the power supply.

Question 10.

Need access to document's stored on fredya's machine but her machine wouldnt get past boot up stage.

Try rebooting the system and start it up in a safe mode this should get it past the boot up stage from there access the documents stored of fredya's machine.
You could also dismantle the computer in order to get to the data directly from the hardrive.

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